Tentative Schdule *subject to change
1:Orientation, Self-introduction, At a convenience store
2:Get number and price, Going out to eat
3:Get location, Taking public transportation
4:Adjectives, Getting a haircut
5:Get time and date, Going out with friends①
6:Mid-Term Exam
7:Asking permission
8:Going to a hospital, Various symptoms
9:Talking at a party
10: At a restaurant, flavor words
11:Formal and informal conversation, Going out with friends②
12:Making inquiries
Listening tasks will be assigned after each session. Listen to audio and do tasks as instructed. Students must submit each assignment at the beginning of the next class or on the assigned date. When student miss the due date, the instructor will check the paper, however it will not be taken into account for the grade. It is each student’s responsibility to keep the deadline. Confirm the schedule carefully so as not to miss the due date.