Four professors from Graduate School of Frontier Sciences will give lectures based on their own expertise according to the keywords given above.
Time: Wednesday, 8:30-10:15
Venue: 21KOMCEE East K211/21KOMCEE East Room K211
Jun Sasaki, *****
Ryota Wada *****
Runsen Zhang *****
Shin'ichi Warisawa, GSFS, *****
Brief Description of Course Contents
<Prof. Jun Sasaki>
Urban bays face many problems, including eutrophication due to nutrient loading, coastal disasters of storm surges and tsunamis, and degradation of fishery resources due to loss of habitats. By contrast, coastal marine environments are expected to be a sink of carbon dioxide called blue carbon. New coastal environmental management is expected to have co-benefits with enhancing ecosystem services, such as mitigating coastal disasters, water purification, and revitalizing fishery resources. The history of such environmental issues in urban bays will be introduced, and prospects for climate change mitigation and adaptation will be discussed.
<Associate Prof. Ryota Wada>
Computational simulation is definitely a powerful tool to support decision-making in complex and uncertain socio-technical systems. In the lectures, we start with an overview of systems thinking to understand the idea of reducing ambiguity, applying creativity, and managing complexity for socio-technical challenges. We also share and demonstrate some examples of how computational models are utilized in large projects, such as methane hydrate development. Through discussion of its expectations and challenges, we aim to understand the future of model-based decision making.
<Associate Prof. Runsen Zhang>
The development of low-carbon cities is critical in addressing the global challenge of climate change while enhancing the livability and resilience of urban environments. This lecture introduces the principles and strategies for planning and developing low-carbon cities, covering topics such as sustainable land use, green infrastructure, low-carbon transport systems, and the integration of renewable energy systems. The lecture also delves into the use of models and tools to support low-carbon urban planning, providing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities of implementing low-carbon strategies.
<Prof. Shin'ichi Warisawa>
Sensing technologies for environment are introduced. Principle of sensing technologies and mechanism of sensing devices are explained. State-of-the-art sensing technologies from nano scale to global scale are introduced. Emerging problems such as global heating, air pollution, energy management are discussed.
Teaching Methods
Face-to-face Lectures, Q&A, interactive discussions and assignments
The first lecture as a guidance will begin on October 2 via Zoom.