Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Mitigation (S2 Term)
-From "Sustainable Development" to "Nature Positive"
Room: 5号館512教室 (From June 14th, Room will be changed from KOMCEE EAST K114 to 512教室)
Instructor: Akira Tanaka (*****)
Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA is the most important environmental policy tool for achieving "Sustainable Development". Mitigation process, if “impacts” can be defined environmental “problems” in EIAs, corresponds to “solution” against those problems. Therefore mitigation process is the most essential and critical part in an EIA. This course focuses on impacts/mitigation measures onto natural environment/biological issues such as ecosystems, habitats, endangered species, flora & fauna.
You will learn fundamentals of EIA including purpose, procedure, methodology with understanding relationship between "Sustainable Development"/"Nature Positive" and EIA.
This course focuses on ecological and practical aspects with emphasis on principles, mechanisms (procedures), and case studies .
For example, as an ecological assessment technology, Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) and Habitat Suitability Index Models (HSI models), the most popular quantitative habitat assessment methods are also learned. “Biodiversity offset” and its market-oriented economic instrument “biodiversity banking” are discussed as the forefront of strategic ecological mitigation measures. We will also discuss relationship between newly introduced policies/mechanisms such as "Nature Positive", TNFD, "30 by 30" and EIA/mitigation.
In addition, you will learn threatening Japan's typical nature, "Satoyama Ecosystems" and "Satoyama Bank" as the first voluntary biodiversity bank in Japan.
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