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環境影響評価制度論(S2ターム)08D1403 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Mitigation (S2 Term) -From "Sustainable Development" to "Nature Positive" Room: 5号館512教室 (From June 14th, Room will be changed from KOMCEE EAST K114 to 512教室) Instructor: Akira Tanaka (*****)
Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA is the most important environmental policy tool for achieving "Sustainable Development". Mitigation process, if “impacts” can be defined environmental “problems” in EIAs, corresponds to “solution” against those problems. Therefore mitigation process is the most essential and critical part in an EIA. This course focuses on impacts/mitigation measures onto natural environment/biological issues such as ecosystems, habitats, endangered species, flora & fauna.
You will learn fundamentals of EIA including purpose, procedure, methodology with understanding relationship between "Sustainable Development"/"Nature Positive" and EIA.

This course focuses on ecological and practical aspects with emphasis on principles, mechanisms (procedures), and case studies .
For example, as an ecological assessment technology, Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) and Habitat Suitability Index Models (HSI models), the most popular quantitative habitat assessment methods are also learned. “Biodiversity offset” and its market-oriented economic instrument “biodiversity banking” are discussed as the forefront of strategic ecological mitigation measures. We will also discuss relationship between newly introduced policies/mechanisms such as "Nature Positive", TNFD, "30 by 30" and EIA/mitigation.
In addition, you will learn threatening Japan's typical nature, "Satoyama Ecosystems" and "Satoyama Bank" as the first voluntary biodiversity bank in Japan.
MIMA Search
田中 章
7 weeks in total as follows: ⬤All classes are on Friday (June 7, 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, and 19) at Komaba. ⬤Time: 13:15-14:45, 15:10-16:40 ■Week 1 on 7th June Orientation of this course. Self introductions. "The most serious natural environment problem in my country." Lecture: Nature of global environmental issues including "Sustainable Development". Discussion: What is global environmental issue and its ultimate adverse influence to human-beings ? And the relationships between those problems and EIAs. Assignment #1: Research on "EIA procedure in my country." ■Week 2 on 14th June Presentation of assignment #1 Lecture: EIA procedure Discussion: What is the most important process in EIA procedure. Assignment #2: An example of HSI model and process of HEP. ■Week 3 on 21st June Presentation of assignment #2 Lecture: HEP and its application into EIA in Japan Discussion: HEP reveals residual adverse impacts onto habitat. Then what should we do next? Assignment #3: What is "Nature Positive"? ■Week 4 on 28th June Presentation of assignment #3 Lecture: Kachituli Oxbow Restoration Project in California. -"Compensatory mitigation" ("biodiversity offset") for the residual adverse impacts onto habitat. "Mitigation hierarchy" and "no net loss" policy. Discussion: Comparison between Japan's case and California's case in terms of quantitatively saving habitats. Assignment #4: What is the relationship between "Nature Positive" and EIA? ■Week 5 on 5th July Presentation of assignment #4 Lecture: Mitigation Banking (Biodiversity Banking) VTR: Kachituli Oxbow Restoration Project and Mitigtion banking in US Discussion: Comparison between Japan's case and California's case in terms of quantitatively saving habitats. Assignment #5: Prepare HEP accounting test ■Week 6 on 12th July Test: HEP accounting VTR: Satoyama Ecosystems in Japan (by David Attenborough) Discussion: Comparison between Japan's case and California's case in terms of quantitatively saving habitats. Assignment #6: How should EIA system be to achieve real Sustainable Development/Nature Positibity? ■Week 7 on 19th July Presentation of Assignment #6 . Discussion for epilogue of this course.
Lectures with PowerPoint slides, assignments and presentations (individual or group), group discussion and test. ROOM: KOMCEE EAST K114
Participation on class and discussion 50% Assignments 50%
If you can read Japanese or Korean language, you should buy following textbook. Japanese textbook: 田中章著:HEP入門―“ハビタット評価手続き”マニュアル(朝倉書店, 2011)ISBN978-4-254-18036-7 C3046 Korean textbook: Akira Tanaka: Theory and Practices for Habitat Evaluation Procedure (hanulbooks.co.kr, 2015) ISBN978-89-460-4952-9
●Diori L. Kreske, Environmental Impact Statements: A Practical Guide for Agencies, Citizens, and Consultants, John Wiley & Sons, 1996, ISBN 0-471-13741-3 ●Larry W. Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, MacGraw-Hill Education, 1996, ISBN 0070097674, 9780070097674 In page.390 to 433 of this book, HEP, Habitat Evaluation Procedure is explained as the habitat based method of biological impact prediction and assessment.
If you are interested in this field, please pre-search following new concept and it will be helpful to understand the true nature/problems of EIA and mitigtion. Mitigation hierarchy, No Action/Zero Option, Compensatory Mitigation, Biodiversity Offset, Biodiversity Bankiing, No Net Loss, Nature Positive, 30 by 30, OECM, TNFD, ESG investment
There will be an International EIA conference called "Asia Impact Assessment Conferene in Bali, Indonesia" in August. If you are interested in participating and presenting your study on EIA or other environmental issues, please check folllowing URL. https://aic2024.pepsili.or.id/***** THE 16TH ASIA IMPACT ASSESSMENT CONFERENCE “Harmonization of various impact assessment tools for nature positive” August 21st-23rd 2024. DENPASAR, BALI About reference papers of this course, English texts can be downloaded from http://www.yc.tcu.ac.jp/***** ●Akira TANAKA(1997)Evolution of Mitigation Provisionsin Japanese Environmental Impact Assessment Systems, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center. ●Tanaka, Akira (2001) Changing Ecological Assessment and Mitigation in Japan. Built Environment, Vol.27, No.1, p35-41. ●Tanaka, Akira(2008) How to assess "no net loss" of habitats - A case study of Habitat Evaluation Procedure in Japan's Environmental Impact Assessment. International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2008 -Sustainable water Resource and Environment- Proceedings, Wuhan, China. CD-ROM. ●The need for integrative policy as an innovative approach in biodiversity conservation in Asia, http://www.iges.or.jp/*****
An instructor with work experience as a practitioner for Environmental Impact Assessment, Mitigation Policies, Ecological Restoration as Compensatory Mitigation (biodiversity offset) measures in both governmental office and private consulting firm for more than 40 years will give lectures using these experiences.