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環境影響評価制度論(S2ターム)08D1403 Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation (S2 Term) 10 students max, June 17 (Saturday) field trip by bus On the first week class on July 9th, I need to fix the number of students to 10. The most important requirement of this class is to attend all schedules including field trip.
Environmental Impact Assessment is the most important environmental policy tool for balancing development projects and environmental conservation. "Mitigation" measures proposed through EIA procedures are concrete ways to achieve those balances. Mitigation, if “impacts” can be defined “problems” in EIAs, corresponds to “solution” against those problems. Therefore evaluation measurements and mitigation proposal are the most essential and critical parts in EIAs.

This course focuses on ecological and practical aspects with emphasis on principles, mechanisms (procedures), and case studies of EIAs in students' countries.
As an ecological assessment technology, Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) and Habitat Suitability Index Models (HSI models), the most popular quantitative habitat assessment methods are also learned.
In addition, “Biodiversity offset” and its market-oriented economic instrument “biodiversity banking” are discussed as the forefront of strategic ecological mitigation measures.

One day field tour at Tsubaki TC Satoyama Bank in Chiba is included. Tsubaki TC Satoyama Bank is the first biodiversity offset bank in Japan. You are going to learn both "impacts" stemming from photovoltaic power plant development project as renewable energy and "mitigation effects" expected by ecological mitiagtion measures including biodiversity offset banking at field.
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田中 章
5 classes in total as follows: ⬤ 4 lecture classes on Friday (June 9, 16, 23 and 30; 13:15-14:45, 15:10-16:40 ) (Location: Building 5, Room 514, Komaba I Campus) ⬤ 1 field tour on Saturday (June 17), All day. A bus will be provided. (Location: Satoyama field, Shisui, Chiba prefecture) Lecture *****: Orientation: Nature of environmental issues, SDGs, UNCED, sustainable development, two international conventions, land use transition (Earth, Japan, Chiba prefecture-level) and its causes, balance between development and conservation, EIA system, mitigation hierarchy Lecture *****: Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP), SI model, HSI model, and case studies of HEP application to EIA a quantitative evaluation method for ecosystems. ***** TC Satoyama Bank (Shusui, Chiba): Observation of Satoyama ecosystem (landscape ecology, watershed, topography/vegetation, ecotone, species composition, rare species, etc.), (if applicable) explanation of participating companies, Satoyama economic activities (agriculture, forestry, fishing, ecotourism), Satoyama conservation activities (planting pot seedlings), Japanese version of Biodiversity Offset Bank *In case of rain: Presentation of Assignment 3, DVD introducing Satoyama Lecture *****: Satoyama ecosystems as Japan's biodiversity's fundamentals, ecological hotspot, endangered species, landscape ecology, ecotone. Lecture *****: Compensatory Mitigation, Biodiversity Offsetting, California EIA and Offsetting Case Study, Biodiversity Bank, Satoyama Bank as Japanese Biodiversity Bank, Recent Trends, Carbon Neutrality, TNFD Environmental NEXUS, EIA and the Role of Mitigation
Lectures with PowerPoint slides, field trip, presentations, group discussion, assignments. Field trips of the first biodiversity offset bank in Japan, Tsubaki TC Satoyama Bank in Chiba will be conducted. Details of the Fieldwork is as follows; 1. Date and time: June 17, 2023 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 2. Objectives: ⬤ Observe the Satoyama ecosystems, the foundation of biodiversity in Japan. ⬤ Have hands-on experience with "HEP", a common ecosystem quantitative evaluation method in EIA. ⬤ Learn about the Biodiversity Bank, a representative compensatory mitigation measure for ecosystem conservation in the EIA, and its Japanese version, the first "Satoyama Bank" in Japan. 3. Participants: Maximum 10 students in Senior Division PEAK ES course, 1 Teaching Assistant 4. Instructor: Professor Akira Tanaka 5. Transportation: 1 microbus 6. Schedule ①10:00 Gather at Komaba I Campus ②11:00 Arrival at the office of Tsubaki TC Satoyama Bank in Shisui, Chiba; Orientation of the fieldwork ③11:10 Introduction from the operator of Satoyama bank; Lunch ④12:30 Observation of Satoyama ecosystems and conservation activities ⑤14:00 Field study ⑥17:00 Departure from the field ⑦18:00 Arrival at Komaba I campus
Participation on discussion 50% Course projects 50%
If you can read Japanese or Korean language, you should buy following textbook. Japanese textbook: 田中章著:HEP入門―“ハビタット評価手続き”マニュアル(朝倉書店, 2011)ISBN978-4-254-18036-7 C3046 Korean textbook: Akira Tanaka: Theory and Practices for Habitat Evaluation Procedure (hanulbooks.co.kr, 2015) ISBN978-89-460-4952-9
●Diori L. Kreske, Environmental Impact Statements: A Practical Guide for Agencies, Citizens, and Consultants, John Wiley & Sons, 1996, ISBN 0-471-13741-3 ●Larry W. Canter, Environmental Impact Assessment, MacGraw-Hill Education, 1996, ISBN 0070097674, 9780070097674 In page.390 to 433 of this book, HEP, Habitat Evaluation Procedure is explained as the habitat based method of biological impact prediction and assessment.
Due to the covid-19, maximum participants will be less than 10 students. We may need to selection at the first day of the class. June 17, Fieldwork Safety Rules ⬤ Please prepare appropriate clothing, shoes, hat, gloves, water, sun protection, hydration, etc. for fieldwork. ⬤ Do not enter steep slopes, ditches, or other hazardous areas. Follow the trails and stay within safe, well-maintained areas. Also, follow the instructions of local guides. ⬤ Stay away from areas that may cause damage to local facilities or nature. ⬤ Follow the instructions of the local guides regarding the use of restrooms, meeting rooms, etc. at the local office.
All English texts can be downloaded at http://www.yc.tcu.ac.jp/***** ●Akira TANAKA(1997)Evolution of Mitigation Provisionsin Japanese Environmental Impact Assessment Systems, Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center. ●Tanaka, Akira (2001) Changing Ecological Assessment and Mitigation in Japan. Built Environment, Vol.27, No.1, p35-41. ●Tanaka, Akira(2008) How to assess "no net loss" of habitats - A case study of Habitat Evaluation Procedure in Japan's Environmental Impact Assessment. International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2008 -Sustainable water Resource and Environment- Proceedings, Wuhan, China. CD-ROM. ●The need for integrative policy as an innovative approach in biodiversity conservation in Asia, http://www.iges.or.jp/*****
An instructor with work experience as a practitioner for Environmental Impact Assessment, Mitigation Policies, Biodiversity Offsetting (Ecological Restoration) as Compensatory Mitigation measures in both governmental office and private consulting firm for more than 30 years will give lectures using these experiences.