Australian society and politics have changed since the 1960s. This course will examine the impact of major social movements in creating that change, focusing on their goals, activities and influence. The main social movements covered are the peace movement, the environmental movement, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander movements, the women’s movement and the animal rights movement. The course will discuss the ways in which these movements emerged and changed over time. It will explore their strategies of political action, including protest, consumer boycotts, and online activism. Finally, it considers how much social movements actually changed Australian society and politics?
Students will engage with these topics via a mix of lectures and class discussions, using audiovisual and digital materials as well as short academic readings. The course will relate Australian social movements to similar movements in other democracies. The course will provide an English language teaching environment designed to encourage development of academic learning, reading and writing skills in English.
Students who complete this course should:
•have some knowledge of key changes to Australian society and politics in recent decades
•be familiar with the goals and activities of major Australian social movements
•be able to identify factors that explain the successes and limitations of social movements in bringing about change in Australia
•be able to undertake written and spoken political analysis in English.
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