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This program has continued successfully for over 13 years at the University of Tokyo. Our goal is to provide all 3rd year Science Department students with the opportunity to sharpen and improve their L2 English skills. Much of this course will be focused on the Kunihiro Masao Methodology of Communicative English Training. Students will work intensively in oral communicative reading out loud and a number of other exercises to help reach a “higher plane” of ability skills. Strong emphasis will be placed on speaking, reading and listening. In addition, some TOEFL exercises and UNATE (The United Nations Test of English) and EIKEN drills will be included this year to also help introduce the necessity to challenge these important examinations. Students will be expected and obligated to attend class every week and actively participate.
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Sample Schedule: BASIC Course Class 1. Class introduction and detailed explanation of semester syllabus. Class 2. Self-introduction by all students and Kunihiro training, Part 1. “How to use your English in Science” lecture. Class 3. Accent reduction exercises, TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 2. "How to use your English in Science" lecture. Class 4. Accent reduction exercises, TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 3. “How to use your English in Science” lecture. Class 5. Accent reduction exercises, TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 4. “How to use your English in Science” lecture. Class 6. Accent reduction exercises, TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 5. “How to use your English in Science” lecture. Class 7. Review of all material covered during the first six weeks of classes. Class 8. Accent reduction exercises, TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 6. “How to use your English in Science” lecture. Class 9. Accent reduction exercises, TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 7. “How to use your English in Science” lecture. Class 10. Accent reduction exercises. TOEFL, Kunihiro training, Part 8. “How to use your English in Science" – FINAL. Class 11. Review of all material covered during the entire course. Class 12. FINAL EXAMINATION. Class 13. Final Class. Overview of past semester and review of vital points. Final Q&A. Sample Class: Accent reduction exercises will focus of covering all of the Articulatory English Phonetics and Vowels working to correct inflection, enunciation, articulation and oral positing of the tongue in order to develop better pronunciation and an international accent. We will then move into some TOEFL exercises to help familiarize students on how to clearly understand and challenge this examination which will be very important for their future studies and careers especially when they enter graduate school. *I will also include UNATE (The United Nations Test of English) exercises and EIKEN material as well. The Kunihiro training will focus on his reading out loud exercises. This material is also vitally important for strengthening all skills in L2. Finally, students will listen to a briefly lecture on “How to use your English in Science” based on Professor Kaoru Yamanouchi and my textbook.
【Intensive Training】 Weekly classes will focus on a variety of subjects and topics specifically related to the field of science. These intensive communication strategies will be broken down into class, group, pair and individual training to help sharpen communicative competence. This will be achieved by helping to reinforce and learn how to successfully express oneself in English. *This will be a vital and golden tool for all of you as you one day embark on a career in the field of science. Some of our activities will include phonetic/vowel training, accent reduction exercises, communication drills, vocabulary training, discussion, parliamentary debate and speech/poster presentation. Students will be required to do weekly listening, reading and speaking work outside of class.
Students will be evaluated and graded on weekly attendance, classroom participation, and homework. Warning: Students missing more than 4 classes will receive a failing grade, so be very careful about missing classes. Also, being chronically late will also hurt your overall final grade, so make sure you come on time.
Materials to be announced on the first day of classes.
Reference Reading: Academic Communication: How to Use Your English in Science, Zasshikai, Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, International Academic Publishing, 2013 Eigo-no-hanashikata, Kunihiro Masao, Tachibana Shuppan, 2010