This book covers all contents of this lecture.
“Molecular Quantum Mechanics” by P. W. Atkins and R. S. Friedman (Oxford University Press)
「アトキンス物理化学」PeterAtkins, JuliodePaula 著 中野元裕, 上田貴洋, 奥村光隆, 北河康隆 訳(東京化学同人)
Following books are Japanese only, explaining basics and some advanced contents about quantum chemistry.
「量子化学 上」、「量子化学 下」原田義也 著(裳華房)
Following book is very expensive and I do not suggest to buy, please find it in the library. This book covers all contents of this lecture.
"Quantum Chemistry 7th edition" Ira Levine (Pearson)