HOME 大学院 農学国際特論Ⅰ E (Advanced Global Agricultural Science I (E))


農学国際特論Ⅰ E (Advanced Global Agricultural Science I (E))


For any measures tackling the agricultural development challenges, the basic understanding of the systems of the biological production and environment management required. This lecture aims to teach such minimum knowledge and understanding in the development context. Series of the lectures will be given and the group discussion to deepen the understanding is followed in each lecture. The active participation to the group learning process is welcome. Students will then form a group and conduct research to learn how to formulate a research/project through hand-on experience.
MIMA Search
農学国際特論Ⅰ E (Advanced Global Agricultural Science I (E))
S1 A1 A2
*NEW* A1タームから90分授業になります。 それに伴い、本講義の開始時間は15:10になります! 4限:15:10~16:40 5限:17:05~18:35 *NEW* A1タームからも引き続きオンラインで行います。 zoomアドレス等、ITC-LMSを引き続きチェックしてください。 We will continue to use zoom for the lectures and group work from term A1 as well. Please continue to check the ITC-LMS for zoom addresses and other information. *NEW* Please make sure that you check ITC-LMS for the zoom address. It changes every week! *NEW* A1タームの初回(グループ分け)を9/25から10/2に移動します(他の科目の集中講義と重なるため) The first lecture date of A1 term will be moved to 10/2 (the grouping day for the research project). ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 4月10日は、zoomへの入室は14:50から可能となります。この回のURLは、シラバス(本ページ)の一番下にある「オンライン授業URL」で通知します。 はじめの10分間は学生の皆さんがアクセスするのを待ち、概ね15:00ごろから授業のアウトライン、成績評価方法、グループ分けなどの説明を開始します。万が一、zoomに入室できないなど問題が発生した場合は、このシラバスに記載されているメールアドレスに直ちに連絡してください。 初回の授業では、ブレークアウトルームの機能を使ってグループディスカッションの練習を行います。事前にzoomのオーディオとビデオの設定を確認し、使えるようにしておいてください。 講義は、講師の先生によってA方式あるいはB方式で行われます。講義スケジュールは下記に英語で記載されています。 〔A方式〕 履修者には事前に配布資料を配信し、授業は原則Zoomの音声のみ(画像情報は流さない)で行います。履修者は手元の配布資料ファイルを見ながら教員の音声を聞いて受講します。 〔B方式〕 Zoom上でスライドを順に見せて説明します(映像と音声を両方用いる)。念のため、資料は事前に配信します。 On April 10, we will open the zoom room at 14:50. Please access the class using the URL posted at the "Online Class URL" at the bottom of the syllabus. We are planning to start explaining the outline of the lectures around 15:00. If you have any difficulty accessing the zoom room, please contact by email (address posted in this syllabus). We will use the breakout room function for the group discussions during the first lecture. Please make sure that your microphone and camera (video) are working by checking the audio and video from the setting. This lecture is taught in the A or B method depending on the lecturer. Lecture materials will be distributed through ITC-LMS. We will have group discussion using the breakout room function. When requested by a student who was unable to take a live class because of the technical problem for accessing the class, video or audio will be delivered on demand. [Method A]. Handouts will be distributed to students in advance, and classes will be conducted only with audio (no image information will be played). Students will listen to the instructor's audio while looking at the handout file. [Method B]. Show and explain the slides on Zoom (using both video and audio). Handouts will be delivered in advance as well. S1ターム This schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be announced in class. April 10 Introduction (Miyazawa) 14:55-16:40 April 17 Agricultural economics (Suzuki) 14:55-16:40 Guest speaker Masaki Sakai (Former Ambassador of Micronesia, Director-General of International Affairs at Japan's Ministry of Agriculture) Bio-material science (Saito) 16:50-18:35 April 24 Agricultural Engineering (Mizoguchi) 14:55-16:40 Crop science (Okada) 16:50-18:35 May 1 Farm Animal Science (Matsumoto) 14:55-16:40 Spatial Effects and Spatial Statistics (Sato) 16:50-18:35 May 8 Plant nutrition (Nakanishi) 14:55-16:40 Fishery Science (Yagi) 16:50-18:35 May 15 Common Pool Resource Management (Ishihara) 14:55-16:40 Human-environmental studies (Sugino)16:50-18:35 May 22  Soil Ecology (Miyazawa) 14:55-16:40 Closing (Miyazawa) 16:50-15:35 A1-A2ターム 10/2 Guidance, Explanation of each research/project theme, grouping Oct: Group work 10/9 Short lecture on presentation technique Introduction of Tools and Methods for Web-based Group Research Project Exploration of research questions 11/6 Presentation of research/project plan (10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) Nov-Jan: Group work 1/22 Final presentation (20 min presentation + 10 min Q&A) 1/25 Submission deadline for feedback to each group member (points deducted for late submission)
授業はすべて英語で行われます。S1タームでは、農学の基本を体系的に講義とグループディスカッションを通して学びます。A1、A1タームでは、専門の異なるメンバーが混在するグループに分かれて調査研究を行い、報告書の作成とプレゼンテーション行います。 During S1 semester, students learn the basics of agricultural science. Systematic lectures on the basic knowledge on agriculture, and group discussion will be conducted. In the A1, A2 semesters, students will be divided into mixed groups of members with different specialties to conduct research, and make a presentation.
Attendance and report, and discussion and group research project contribution. 1. Attendance will be checked at every lecture. 2. The details for the report will be notified by each lecturer. 3. The group discussion/research participation and contribution will be evaluated by peer evaluation
講義資料はITC-LMS等で配布します。 Lecture materials will be distributed via ITC-LMS.
各教員から指定される場合があります。 Reference books may be assigned by the lecturers.
<オンライン授業に関する注意事項> ・授業のZoom URLを公開することは厳禁です。 ・講義の内容や資料は、講師や第三者の著作物です。許可なく講義画面のスクリーンショットを撮影することや、講義の録画・録音すること、これらを第三者がわかるような形でアップロードすることは、不正行為と見なされます。 The contents and materials of the lectures are the copyrighted works. Taking screenshots of lecture screens without permission, recording lectures, or uploading these and any other lecture materials is strictly forbidden. Also providing the Zoom URL of a lecture to a third party is strictly forbidden. A1タームから始まるグループワークの遂行に当たっては、自ら積極的に参加し、グループメンバーとの協力すること。 10月2日にテーマごとのグループ分けをするため、必ず出席すること(なんらかの理由により出席できない場合、必ず事前に連絡)。 Students are expected to actively participate and cooperate with group members for the group work starting in A1 term. Please make sure to attend on Oct. 2nd. as we will form groups on that day. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please contact to the lecturer in advance.
Examples of the research theme during A1-A2 semester(2019) 1. Marine Plastic Litter (Yamamoto) 2. Strawberry farm (Araki) 3. How can we revive urushi (japanese lacquer) production in Fukushima (Iidate village)? (Kurokochi, Sugino, Ishihara, Saito, Mizoguchi) 4. What we can do for Swine Fever?(Matsumoto) 5. Heartful rural planning for Iitate Village 2019 (Mizoguchi, Sugino) 6. Sustainability through Certification Schemes (Ishihara)